(307) 777-7575
What do I do if I suspect a child is being abused or neglected?
In Wyoming, everyone is responsible for reporting suspected abuse and/or neglect. Reports should be made to law enforcement or the local Department of Family Services office.
My child has been taken into DFS custody. What should I do?
In Wyoming, if a child is taken into what is called temporary protective custody or shelter care, a court hearing is require to be held within 48 business hours. At this hearing, the judge will explain the court process to you and advise you of your rights. One of your rights is that you can request an attorney to assist you with your case. An attorney will be able to explain to you what is happening in and out of court.
You can also learn a little bit about the court process by clicking on the "For Parents" link in the upper right corner of this page.
Can CJP help me with my case?
No, CJP is a project of the Wyoming Supreme Court and is therefore part of the court system. Like any of the courts throughout the state, CJP is prohibited from discussing case specific information under the Code of Judicial Conduct. Furthermore, CJP does not provide any direct legal services.
Does CJP work on matters related to CHINS and delinquency cases?
CJP's purpose is to improve the court process in abuse and neglect cases. CJP typically does not work on matters related to CHINS and delinquency cases, unless those matters will have a direct impact on abuse and neglect cases.
What trainings does CJP provide?
CJP will periodically offer trainings to various audiences on various topics. These events are announced on the CJP website and through the CJP listservs. Various past trainings can be found on the CJP website under the Resources tab.